Expected Goals | How To Use xG For Football Betting
Football is a game where all goals are valued equally at 1, but not all attempts on goal are equally likely to result in a goal. Basic statistics like ‘shots on target’ do not provide sufficient insight into the performance of teams. That’s where Expected Goals (xG) comes in. Expected Goals (xG) is a statistical metric that assigns a “quality” value to every attempt on goal, based on past data. This enables us to better analyse games and determine whether results are in line with the expected outcome. Expected Goals has the potential to revolutionise football prediction, team and player evaluation, and even sports betting. What Is Expected Goals (xG)? Expected goals (xG) is a statistical metric used in football to quantify the quality of scoring chances in a match. It is a measure of the likelihood of a particular shot resulting in a goal. xG is typically calculated using machine learning models that analyse large amounts of data on historical shots and goals, in order to id...